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- Details
- Written by Brad Green Brad Green
- Category: Recommended Reading Recommended Reading
- Published: 25 July 2017 25 July 2017
- Hits: 3237 3237
In reading a student's work today, found this from Peter Sanlon on Augustine on theology. Well said, Peter!
The very idea that there is an appropriate mindset for the task of theology is not one that sits happily with the modern academy. The recovery of an appropriate mindset for the study of theology can, however, be seen in the lives of individual students who resolve to have Jesus as their teacher and accept that the student is not above that teacher. True theology is experienced when one makes the move from knowing facts about the Scriptures to wondering at the beauty of the one to whom the Scriptures testify.
From Themelios 33.1 (2008), p. 44.