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- Details
- Written by Brad Green Brad Green
- Category: Recommended Reading Recommended Reading
- Published: 06 September 2016 06 September 2016
- Hits: 2477 2477
About two years ago I was helped immensely in reading two of Etienne Gilson's books on realism. I hope to write a biblical theology of knowledge, and Gilson has proved helpful. Interestingly, Gilson had some influence on the French Reformed theologian, Auguste Lecerf, as seen in Lecerf's An Introduction to Reformed Dogmatics (mentioned elsewhere on this site). In discussing Augustine's understanding of "rational knowledge," there are some gems in Gilson. He writes: ""finding [i.e., finding knowledge/truth] is not making." And: "the manner in which the mind arrives at truth does not allow us to assume that the mind is the author of truth." (page 73 in Gilson's The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine).