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- Category: Recommended Reading Recommended Reading
- Published: 14 November 2015 14 November 2015
- Hits: 3272 3272
Augustine spoke extremely highly of his friend, Marcellinus, who was executed for his faith on September 13, 413. It would be quite a tribute if this could said of one by a friend:
He lived as a religious man—a Christian in his heart and in his life. This reputation preceded him so that he arrived with it in the cause of the Church; this reputation stayed with him after his arrival. What moral goodness he had, what loyalty in friendship, what zeal for learning, what sincerity in religion! He was chaste in marriage, restrained as a judge, patient toward enemies, warm toward friends, humble toward the saints, loving toward all. He was quick to bestow favors, slow to ask for them; he loved good deeds and was saddened by sins.
Augustine wrote this in Epistle 151.8.