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- Category: Recommended Reading Recommended Reading
- Published: 31 August 2015 31 August 2015
- Hits: 2242 2242
Bavinck can write:
'A priest in the Lord’s temple, the believer is therefore king of the whole earth. Because he is a Christian, he is a man in the full and truest sense.'
Bavinck goes on:
'The Christian is the true man, on every front and in every domain. Christianity is not opposed to nature, but to sin. Christ came, not to destroy the works of the Father, but only those of the devil.'
And back to Bavinck on Nature and Grace. Jan Veenhof, summarizing Bavinck, can write:
'Bavinck’s thesis that reformation through grace is more than mere repristination is no denial of his foundational principle that grace restores nature.'