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- Written by Brad Green Brad Green
- Category: Uncategorised Uncategorised
- Published: 24 February 2022 24 February 2022
- Hits: 7582 7582
This past summer I read Carl Trueman's The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. I read it slowly, as I was planning to review it for the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. I had actually already listened to the audio version. Trueman is a super fellow, and a thoughtful man. It is a very good book. JETS has kindly allowed me to include the published review here (attached).
The book is a wonderful analysis of our current malaise. I do offer a somewhat subtle critique of Trueman toward the end of the review. I wonder--in the review--if Trueman is giving full weight to the notion that every culture or society serves and worships its god or gods. Trueman seems to leave space for a kind of neutral or "non-sacred" culture. I really simply raise the issue in the review as to whether this is really possible or not.
Happy to correspond if folks want to pursue this.