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- Category: Recommended Reading Recommended Reading
- Published: 30 July 2011 30 July 2011
- Hits: 8073 8073
The City is a fairly new journal being published by Houston Baptist University, under the capable leadership of Ben Domenech. It is a forthright publication which I read regularly. And at present you can subscribe for free at www.hbu.edu/thecity. I was honored that in the most recent edition the inimitable Lou Markos wrote a friendly review of my recent book, The Gospel and the Mind: Recovering and Shaping the Intellectual Life. Thanks Lou. I had the privilege of writing a short essay on the liberal arts--particularly on the possible recovery of the liberal arts, and their relationship to the Christian gospel. You can look at the entire issue, the Summer 2011 issue, on line here. I hope you enjoy the issue!