Colin Gunton and the Failure of Augustine: The Theology of Colin Gunton in Light of Augustine


This monograph is essentially my dissertation, and will be published by Wipf and Stock in 2010.  I look forward to working with the folks at Wipf and Stock.  I am thankful for the time spent reading and studying both Gunton and Augustine.  One spends years working through issues unearthed in doctoral work.  My mentor, A.J. Conyers once commented that years after having studied a thinker in some depth, you inevitably get glimpses of how much you have been influenced by such persons.  This is undoubtedly true with me and both of these thinkers.  Although my monograph offers certain criticisms of Gunton, I was helped immensely in learning how to think theologically by reading Gunton, and I am in profound debt to him.

Reformation Commentary on Scripture


I and a colleague (Ray Van Neste) have been asked to write/edit a volume in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, being edited by Timothy George for InterVarsity Press.  Ray and I are honored to have the opportunity.  We will be editing volume 12 of the New Testament volumes, which covers 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1, 2, and 3 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.  The series is an ambitious one, and we look forward to working away at this exciting project.