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I am pleased that my book, Covenant and Commandment: Works, Obedience, and Faithfulness in the Christian Lifehas been published.  This issue has been one I have been wrestling with for years.  It has good to have it out, although I am certain I will continue to wrestle with the issue.  At the heart of the book: I argue that works, obedience, and faithfulness are central to the Christian life.  I affirm a traditional and reformational understanding of justification by faith alone.  Indeed, I think--following fine thinkers like Henri Blocher and others--that it is only such an affirmation of sola fide that can most adequately ground and substantiate a proper understanding of the necessity of works, obedience, and faithfulness in the Christian life.  If that intriques you, take up and read!  The book is available at Amazon in the US here.  It is available at Amazon in the UK here.  You can read the heart of the Introduction here.