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I am happy to recommend a new essay by my friend Jay Langdale, which can be found at the website of the online journal, Anamnesis.  Langdale's essay is titled "“One more chance for the conservative solution”: Richard Weaver’s Traditionalist Conservative Critique of Modern Warfare."

One of the most seminal books in my own intellectual development is Richard Weaver's Ideas Have Consequences.  Not as well-known, but perhaps equally helpful to me is his Visions of Order: The Cultural Crisis of Our Time. I am always struck by how many persons will point to Ideas Have Consequences as the book that really made them begin to think.  I know it was a game-changer in my own development.  If you read either of these books and find yourself wanting to read more, I would recommend a collection of his essays: Defense of Tradition: Collected Shorter Essays of Richard M. Weaver, 1929-1963.

I am convinced that until contemporary conservative thought can reclaim the kind of tradition represented by folks like Richard Weaver, contemporary conservativism will be virtually meaningless and impotent.  My own attempt to wrestle with the relationship between Weaver and the Christian faith can be found in my essay, "Richard Weaver, the Gospel, and the Restoration of Culture," which was published in Thriving in Babylon: Essays in Honor of A.J. Conyers.